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A User's Guide to Advocacy Evaluation Planning

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A User's Guide to Advocacy Evaluation Planning was developed for advocates, evaluators, and funders who want guidance on how to evaluate advocacy and policy change efforts. This tool takes users through four basic steps that generate the core elements of an advocacy evaluation plan, including what will be measured and how.

Women’s Giving Circles: Reflections from the Founders

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Women's Giving Circles: Reflections from the Founders adds the valuable perspective of personal narrative to understanding the growth of giving circles over the past ten years. Focused on the motivations, challenges, and opportunities of the 18 giving circle founders interviewed, the booklet is a testament to two factors that propelled this grassroots phenomenon – media interest and the powerful women’s social network.
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The Impact of Giving Together: Giving Circles’ Influence on Members’ Philanthropic and Civic Behaviors, Knowledge, and Attitudes

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Released by the University of Nebraska at Omaha, the Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers, and the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, “The Impact of Giving Together” specifically examines the impact of giving circles on members’ giving and civic engagement.
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Strengthening Democracy, Increasing Opportunities: Impacts of Advocacy, Organizing and Civic Engagement

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This research documents how 15 nonprofit organizations in Los Angeles County and their allies leveraged foundation grants to secure nearly $91 of benefit for every dollar spent for Los Angeles citizens.

Focus on Gulf Coast Hurricane Giving

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Since 2005, U.S. grantmakers committed more than $1 billion for relief, recovery, and rebuilding in response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Get interactive maps and charts to explore more than 4,000 of the grants awarded from the Foundation Center.

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Grantmaking With a Racial Equity Lens

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A focus on racial equity can increase your effectiveness at every stage of the grant making process. Explores how a racial equity lens can help you scan your field or community, cultivate new leaders, encourage creative approaches, and nourish change inside your own foundation from Grantcraft.

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Inheriting a Grant Portfolio

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How should a grantmaker proceed when they take over a longstanding program only to learn that it needs to be slimmed down and made more effective? Get tips from a casestudy on water management from Grantcraft.

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Programming on a Blank Slate

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Imagine starting a new grant-making program from scratch —no prior grantees, no established procedures, no set objectives. Read about one grantmaker's experience in establishing a rural poverty program in a casestudy from Grantcraft.

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Budgeting Toolkit

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Budgeting is key to financial management. Learn how to plan, develop, and use budgets for your organization in a budgeting toolkit from Civicus.

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