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Funders are making significant changes in their work because of grantee feedback, the Center for Effective Philanthropy says. In general the intensity of change made by funders in 2009 increased most noticeably in the areas of communications with grantees, attitudes toward working with grantees, provision of assistance beyond the check and grantmaking processes.
This white paper provides an introduction to social media for associations and nonprofits and includes case studies and other resources.
Chapin Hall's work on embedded philanthropy began in 2003, as an outgrowth of a long-standing research program on philanthropy and community change. Our focus thus far has been on documenting and delineating this form of philanthropic practice and on convening embedded funders in a series of meetings designed to help them learn from one another's work. Our current perspective on embedded philanthropy is presented in this Issue Brief (2007).
Ensuring a Cross-Culturally Competent Evaluation presents practical examples of how cross-cultural issues surface in evaluation and how to address the issues. The report showcases four fictional situations that capture some of the ways in which cultural insensitivity and inappropriateness have emerged in evaluation.
A report from the Rose Foundation on lessons learned from six years of grassroots grantmaking.
This research report presents the corporate philanthropy community with an analysis of current measurement studies, models, and evidence drawn from complimentary business disciplines as well as from the social sector.
PolicyTool is a social media policy generator that simplifies the process of creating guidelines that respect the rights of your employees while protecting your brand online. offers benchmarking and evaluation toolkits for many types of nonprofits. The Center for What Works is a nonprofit dedicated to building performance measurement capacity and developing a common language for the social sector to benchmark results, learn, and improve.
This paper seeks to better understand the phenomenon of spending out, based on a sample of existing and recently closed spend out trusts in the United Kingdom.
This report summarizes a survey of 459 nonprofit staff members who were already using social media at their organizations. Idealware asked the staff members what tools they were using and how effectively they thought those tools were meeting particular goals.
A guide for enhancing collaborative dialogue between nonprofits and corporations developed by the Gill Foundation.
Memorandum on the Do's and Don'ts of Corporate Foundation Practice prepared by Clark Hill PLC for the Council of Michigan Foundations.
How to measure the value and results of corporate philanthropy remains one of corporate giving professionals’ greatest challenges. This report offers a review of recent measurement studies, models, and evidence drawn from complementary business disciplines as well as the social sector.
This worksheet is intended to help foundation staffs and boards establish indicators of foundation performance in four areas: achieving impact, setting the agenda/strategy, managing operations, and optimizing governance.
This report identifies defining elements of strategic foundation leaders; characteristics of their plans, communications, grantmaking, and assessments; need to back strategic plans with logic models; and challenges. Includes excerpts of interviews and case summaries.
In this guide, contributors share strategies for structuring a collaborative to fit its purpose, building strong relationships and resolving conflicts, and figuring out if the collaborative you're in is working. Contributors also offer ample proof that collaboratives are leading the field in bringing the voices of nonfunders — grantees, intended beneficiaries, experts, and others — into the process of making grants.
Based on corporate contributions data from 137 of the country's leading companies, Giving in Numbers is a comprehensive study of 2008 corporate giving. The report also includes a special look at how financial results affect giving and how philanthropy budgets are set.
This booklet shares five approaches to help philanthropists choose an approach that best accomplishes their goals.
From the Aspen Institute's Program on Philanthropy and Social Innovation, this report provides examples of foundations that decided to spend down their assets within a set period of time instead of existing in perpetuity. The report provides donors and foundations with models for consideration in their own policies and planning.
Criteria for Philanthropy at Its Best: Benchmarks to Assess and Enhance Grantmaker Impact is the first ever set of measurable guidelines that will help foundations and other institutional grantmakers operate ethically and maximize the impact of their dollars.