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Volunteer-based organizations have to keep track of a lot of data—contact info, schedules, time sheets, job sites—and the right software can help, freeing time for managing volunteers. This report from Idealware provides information on a number of potential solutions.
This report from the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation offers four key steps to demystifying corporate social responsibility: Fit, return, simplicity, and promotion.
This report presents findings from the Communications Network 2011 Survey of Foundation Communications Professionals, a comprehensive exploration of the field of foundation communications practice. Findings from this latest survey show that foundation communicators are increasingly focused on using all forms of digital communication to spread their message, and that the role of communications is becoming more central to forging and implementing foundation strategies.
Good Done Great has launched Grantr, the first free online service for verifying a nonprofit's tax exempt status with the IRS. With Grantr, grantmakers and donors can be certain that their grants and donations are in compliance with the IRS rules.
This briefing paper on Scaling What Works takes a look at how networks can support the efforts of grantmakers to build relationships, harness complementary resources and work together to scale impact.
This guide developed by the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors shows how individuals and family foundations can improve the lives of vulnerable children and families.
This study produced by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation provides an overview of the effectiveness and accomplishments of various communications training opportunities offered to grantees.
This report from the Center for Effective Philanthropy finds that grantees do not view the reporting and evaluation requirements of grantmakers of particular value in strengthening their organizations and programs.
The Project Streamline Grantmaker Assessment Tool is an online survey that generates a comparative report about your grantmaking processes. This tool will enable you to compare your grantmaking processes to those of other funders, as well as to the principles described in the report, Drowning in Paperwork, Distracted from Purpose.
The Association of Small Foundations and the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund report "The Best of Both Worlds: Using Private Foundations and Donor-Advised Funds" provides an analysis of donor-advised funds and foundations and offers guidance on choosing the appropriate giving vehicles and the best way to use them.
A case study from the Center for Effective Philanthropy, Lessons from the Field: From Understanding to Impact, provides an in-depth look at how three foundations cultivate an understanding of their fields and then turn that understanding into more effective grantmaking.
This report from Grants Managers Network presents a summary of survey findings about "greening" grantmaker practices.
This is a series of reports and research produced by Solpath and Idealware that provides consumer reporting and analysis of grants management systems/vendors.
This is a series of reports and research produced by Solpath and Idealware that provides consumer reporting and analysis of grants management systems/vendors.
This report from NCRP discusses how philanthropy can more effectively use limited resources to help reform and improve school systems, with specific focus on inequality in access and opportunities among underserved students.
An article by Alice Buhl introduces a wide range of models from which families can choose to determine how to compose board, staff or advisory committees.
The Foundation Center has documented the opinions of foundation executives about the legislative efforts in California and Florida regarding the public disclosure of private foundation practices related to diversity in a report titled "Foundation Leaders Divided on Legislation: Supportive of Field-Building Efforts."
This report from Grantmakers in the Arts discusses practices that arts funders have adopted which have inadvertently contributed to the chronic undercapitalization of the sector and suggests practices for the future.
Put Your Mouth Where Your Money Is, a report from the Philanthropy Awareness Initiative, describes how foundations can talk about the value they bring society in a way that speaks to more than the money they grant.
A new report co-produced by the Philanthropy Awareness Initiative, the Williams Group, and the Communications Network, explores the value of foundation annual reports: why we do them and whether they do any good. Is there a better way for foundations to communicate about their work?