Sample Crisis Communication Readiness Checklist
Sample crisis communications readiness checklist from from Al Czarnecki Communications; focus on ten things to put into place prior to a crisis.
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Sample crisis communications readiness checklist from from Al Czarnecki Communications; focus on ten things to put into place prior to a crisis.
Sample template for a crisis communication plan; focus on public relations.
Access official tax information and resources for charities and other nonprofits from the Internal Revenue Service.
Check out the Activation Point, where you will find best practices for planning for persuasion, tailored to the unique needs of social change organizations.
Seminal work on community foundations, published in 2005.
How can grantmakers use knowledge management to increase the impact of their work? Explore key issues and lessons learned from Grantmakers for Effective Organizations.
Stewardship Principles to Strengthen Performance describe how corporate grantmakers can reflect their fundamental values in their governance, management and grantmaking.
Originally published at a time of many hospital conversions, this paper continues to provide helpful information on philanthropic options for the sale of hospital assets.
For tax preparers of the 990-PF, highlights those areas most commonly completed incorrectly and provide explanations and directions for proper completion.
This report explains philanthropy’s donors of the future, how will they be different from the donors of today, how will they best be identified, reached and engaged in action and the implications for initiatives to encourage new giving.
Recommendations for funders interested in driving impact by supporting good management practices.