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The Power of Partnership: Principles and Practices for Creating Strategic Relationships Among Nonprofit Groups, For-Profit Organizations, and Government Entities
Investing in Nonprofit Mergers & Alliances
Nonprofit Guide to Forming Alliances: Working Together to Achieve Mutual Goals
Community Leadership Handbook: Framing Ideas, Building Relationships, and Mobilizing Resources
Secrets of the Media Savvy
An excellent tipsheet of Do's and Don'ts during the interview process with media developed by Tom Wadsworth of Wadsworth Communications.
Central Indiana Community Foundation Social Networking Use Policy
A sample social networking policy developed by the Central Indiana Community Foundation. This policy establishes prudent and acceptable practices regarding the use of social networking and educates individuals using social networking about their responsibilities.
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media
Developing a Whistleblower Policy
The heightened focus on nonprofit accountability in recent years has spurred calls for foundations and public charities to have adequate policies and procedures in place to ensure sound governance. One such policy that has become a recommended best practice for the sector is a whistleblower protection policy, yet most nonprofits still don’t have one. Here are some basic issues to consider when developing a whistleblower protection policy for your grantmaking organization.
Diversity, Inclusion and Effective Philanthropy
This guide from Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors suggests that funders can make their grantmaking more responsive and efficient by combining the concepts of diversity and inclusion with basic due diligence.
Gender Transformative Philanthropy
This guide suggests that funders can work to improve program outcomes by helping the funding community and grantees recognize how men and women are affected by disparities in social expectations, such as codes of manhood and womanhood.