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Peer to Peer: At the Heart of Influencing More Effective Philanthropy

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The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has had a long-standing commitment to increasing the effectiveness of grantmaking organizations, a commitment reflected in its Philanthropy Grantmaking Program. In 2015, the Foundation commissioned Harder+Company Community Research, in partnership with Edge Research, to conduct a field scan to inform its own strategies in this area as well as those of other organizations working to increase philanthropic effectiveness.

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The Future of Foundation Philanthropy: The CEO Perspective

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Based on the perspectives of more than 200 foundation CEOs collected through in-depth interviews and responses to a survey from May to June of 2016, The Future of Foundation Philanthropy: The CEO Perspectivecaptures foundation leaders’ views on challenges and concerns about the changing landscape in which they work, practices they believe to hold the most promise for helping foundations reach their potential, and the most pressing issues that will influence foundation philanthropy in the coming years.

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Bolder Advocacy

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An initiative of the Alliance for Justice, Bolder Advocacy promotes active engagement in democratic processes and institutions by giving nonprofits and foundations the confidence to advocate effectively and by protecting their right to do so.

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Structural Racism Theater: "The Pernicious Compromise"

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Based sardonically on Masterpiece Theatre, Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers’s Structural Racism Theater introduces the viewer to concrete examples of structural racism and implicit bias. It’s edgy, dryly humorous, “shareable,” and an incredibly different direction for WRAG. The first episode, "The Pernicious Compromise," focuses on the timely topic of the Electoral College and its connection to the Three-Fifths Compromise.

Equity: Is Your Foundation Ready to Invest in Building Opportunity for All?

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Research shows that one of the greatest impediments to a prosperous future for all of Michigan's people is unequal access to resources. To help foundation leaders and their boards begin essential conversations about marginalized populations and determine the extent to which their organization's culture and grantmaking practices are aligned with a commitment to expanding opportunity in the communities they serve, CMF developed this discussion guide and self-assessment.

Benchmarking Foundation Evaluation Practices

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The report shares data on crucial topics such as foundations’ evaluation staffing and structures, investment in evaluation work, and the usefulness of evaluation information. It seeks to provide benchmarking data that will be useful to foundation leaders as they seek to better understand the choices of their peers and think more deeply about their own evaluation goals and strategies.

Benchmarking Foundation Evaluation Practices

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Developed in partnership with the Center for Evaluation Innovation (CEI), Benchmarking Foundation Evaluation Practices is the most comprehensive data collection effort to date on evaluation practices at foundations. The report shares data points and infographics on crucial topics related to evaluation at foundations, such as evaluation staffing and structures, investment in evaluation work, and the usefulness of evaluation information.

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The Power of Board Advocacy: A Discussion Guide for Foundation Boards

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Foundation leaders have a unique opportunity to serve as powerful champions of their missions. Partnering with your grantees can amplify your impact. The following guide is designed to help you start having an honest conversation in the boardroom; a conversation about your foundation’s goals, approach, and, most importantly, vision for the future.

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Putting Racism on the Table: The Racial Mosaic of America (video)

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In the fifth session in WRAG's Putting Racism on the Table series (2016), Manuel Pastor, Professor of Sociology and American Studies & Ethnicity at the University of Southern California, discussed the experience of nonblack racial minorities in America, the implications of demographic change, and the urgent need to invest in equity.

Co-Creation: Viewing Partnerships Through A New Lens

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"Co-Creation" is a case study about the Connecticut Early Childhood Funder Collaborative, a project of the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy. The case study examines co-creation, an emerging systems change collaboration model which grew out of a funder-and-state partnership. This unique partnership led to the creation by executive order of a new and independent Office of Early Childhood, which was formally approved by the Connecticut State Legislature in 2013. The companion piece, "Taking on New Roles to Address 21st Century Problems," looks at co-creation from the perspective of a regional association of grantmakers.

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Generations Together: A Curriculum for Engaging Youth in Family Philanthropy

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Generations Together is many things: a curriculum that could be followed step-by-step for a comprehensive learning experience, a collection of resources to tap when the time is right, or an ongoing source of inspiration and ideas. It was designed for giving families at every phase—whether you are just starting out or have been active for decades and generations.

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Disaster Philanthropy Playbook

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The Disaster Philanthropy Playbook is the comprehensive resource of best practices and innovative approaches to guide the philanthropic community in responding to future disasters.

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Funding Indigenous Peoples: Strategies for Support

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Funding Indigenous Peoples: Strategies for Support, looks at how funders collaborate with and bring support to indigenous communities around the world. Through examples from a diverse range of foundations, this guide explores how grantmakers work with indigenous peoples, the approaches they take, and the practices they find effective.

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