Join us for this partner opportunity with our colleagues at Philanthropy New York during which we will discuss how to focus on supporting nonprofits in their decisions to transition to an alternative operating model (mergers, acquisitions, sharing back office support, etc.).
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Join us for a GWP book club discussion of A Gift of Belief on February 1 from noon to 1:30 PM. Book Editor and chapter author Kathy Buechel and Project Coordinator Anne Marie Toccket will be joined by conversationalists Heather Arnet, Tony Macklin (a chapter author) Michelle McMurray, Kristy Trautmann, and Mark Lewis to comment on the lessons they’ve taken from this book.
Join us to update your knowledge of current public-sector support and build stronger connections between private and public funding streams.
This session has been postponed until the Fall of 2022.
Please join us as Joelle Cook and Chris Carlson from the nonprofit consulting firm FSG lead us in a discussion of their report, Rural America: Philanthropy’s Misunderstood Opportunity for Impact.
Join us to get insight into the industry trends that led Jewish Association on Aging to explore redevelopment options, how they arrived at this new and creative model, and their vision for the future of the agency with this new campus.
Join Philanthropy New York's Leadership Transitions Funders Group for this exclusive one-on-one conversation that will share field learnings from an existing funder collaborative that supports leadership transitions and a funder engaged in the work separately as they make the case for funder learning organizing in this space.
Join us to learn how grantmakers can best use the Form 990 to learn about potential grantees.
Resources from Corporate Learning Network Virtual Roundtable 05/28/2020.
Join GWP for an intensive workshop on essential facilitation skills with the nationally recognized Interaction Institute for Social Change. Participants will learn to facilitate strategic thinking, promote collaborative problem solving and build agreement.
The Youth Philanthropy Internship Program and grant making process is funded by The Heinz Endowments and administered by The Community Foundation of Westmoreland County. To learn more about the program, visit
As NCFP celebrates their 20th Anniversary, we invite you to participate in an exciting new program to imagine the future of the field of family philanthropy.
There is a school of thought that engaged employees have a positive and direct impact on bottom line results. Join NY Funders Alliance and ACCP as we explore how companies are harnessing employees to yield both bottom line results and community impact.