Rural Matters: Philanthropy’s Opportunity for Impact

GWP Members Only Program
Monday, December 12, 2022
2:00pm to 3:00pm EST
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Rural America faces a barrage of structural challenges: rapid demographic change, mortality rates 75% higher than comparable populations, deep racial inequities, a housing affordability crisis, high rates of concentrated persistent poverty, systemic barriers to accessing state and federal resources, front line impacts of climate change, and a profound economic decline, to name a few. Yet, for too long, rural communities have been either ignored or the subject of derision in national discourse. Often overlooked by funders, rural America represents a missed opportunity to build a fully inclusive coalition of low-income communities uniting to create a more equitable and sustainable America. 

Please join us as Joelle Cook and Chris Carlson from the nonprofit consulting firm FSG lead us in a discussion of their report, Rural America: Philanthropy’s Misunderstood Opportunity for Impact.

During the session Joelle and Chris will provide a summary of their research on the state of rural communities in America, profile some key trends in areas such as health, education, climate, and economic development, and share considerations for funders interested in expanding their focus on rural communities. 

This session will be virtual and will also include time for group discussion of what you are seeing in your community and the questions and ideas you may have about rural philanthropy. 

We are committed to making GWP programs accessible to all members. If you have questions, or if an accommodation would be helpful to fully participate in this program, please reach out to Paula or call 412-471-6488 and we will make every effort to accommodate your request.