Program Resources: New and Next: What’s in Store for Arts & Culture Funding in Our Region?
Publication date:
Program Resources from New and Next: What’s in Store for Arts & Culture Funding in Our Region? on 09/16/2021
Program Resources from New and Next: What’s in Store for Arts & Culture Funding in Our Region? on 09/16/2021
Program Resources: A Path to Food Justice: A Funder Briefing on the Greater Pittsburgh Food Action Plan 10/06/2020
Resources for GWP Funder Update on COVID-19 10/23/2020
Resources from GWP Food Funders' Virtual Roundtable 04/07/2020
Resources from Arts Learning Session: Coordinating Strategies In Arts Education on 06/06/2019
This webinar highlights the current situation of separation and detention, how current and past policies are impacting communities and families in Pennsylvania, and will highlight immediate and long term actions funders can take.