In December 2016, Karris Jackson received a travel grant to attend the Global Summit on Community Philanthropy in Johannesburg, South Africa. The summit was hosted by the Global Fund for Community Foundations, a grassroots grantmaker working to promote and support institutions of community philanthropy around the world. In this post, Karris reflects on her key take-aways from the summit and poses some of the questions she was left thinking about.
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A key objective of the Scaling What Works initiative has been to translate insight and learning from grantmaker intermediaries involved with the Social Innovation Fund and share them with the broader philanthropic community. The fifth guide in the Lessons Learned series presents the benefits and challenges of partnerships between local and national funders, and highlights key considerations for both kinds of funders to foster success in their collaboration.
At GWP's recent Grants Manager Roundtable, Bethany Hemingway shared a document produced by Idealware which she found very helpful
Resources for Building Multi-Generational Involvement in your Family Foundation on 06/13/19
While we’re on the subject of volunteering, check out the new data available at Corporation for National and Community Service. You can view
Resources for Assessing Grantees’ Financial Health And Long Term Sustainability Program 12-11-18
Here are some resources from the Communications Network listserve sharing resources and samples of Social Media Policies.
Resources from Administrative Learning Network Session: Secret Tech Weapons with Beth Z. on 06/05/2019
Resources from Grief and Transition session at 2019 CF Gathering.
Grantmakers of Western Pennsylvania (GWP) conducted its sixth annual “Funding Outlook” survey in February 2014.
Resources from Grants Managers Learning Session: Project Streamline – Essential Principles And Key Practices 11/06/2019
After five years as president of The Forbes Funds, Kate Dewey announced that she will leave that leadership position at the end of this year.
To provide immediate emergency relief to hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico, The Pittsburgh Foundation and The Heinz Endowments have partnered in making $50,000 grants each to the Puerto Rico Community Recovery Fund at the Puerto Rico Community Foundation.