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GWP members gathered for the association’s 2016 annual meeting, generously hosted at the Center for Connected Medicine by UPMC Health Plan.
"Co-Creation" is a case study about the Connecticut Early Childhood Funder Collaborative, a project of the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy. The case study examines co-creation, an emerging systems change collaboration model which grew out of a funder-and-state partnership. This unique partnership led to the creation by executive order of a new and independent Office of Early Childhood, which was formally approved by the Connecticut State Legislature in 2013. The companion piece, "Taking on New Roles to Address 21st Century Problems," looks at co-creation from the perspective of a regional association of grantmakers.
This is the webinar recording, slides and transcript from the NCFP Webinar: Leveraging Small Grants for Big Impact
On February 27, 2019, GWP hosted an “Off the Record” discussion with Partner4Work’s new CEO, Earl Buford and their board chair, Mark Latterner. The conversation was moderated by senior program officer at the Richard King Mellon Foundation, Lisa Kuzma. Resources from this session can be found below.
This guide was developed by a joint working group of the Council on Foundations and the European Foundation Centre. It identifies eight principles of good disaster grantmaking and offers a number of tips to help grantmakers address disasters more effectively, including facts and figures about recent major disasters around the world and a list of useful disaster information websites.
Program Resources: LinkedIn- Beyond the Profile on 04/20/2021
How to measure the value and results of corporate philanthropy remains one of corporate giving professionals’ greatest challenges. This report offers a review of recent measurement studies, models, and evidence drawn from complementary business disciplines as well as the social sector.
2021 Annual Meeting Materials and Resources from 12/07/2021
Resources from the joint launch of Pennsylvania Foundation Stats, a new online dashboard that provides a window into the philanthropy landscape for our state and within four distinct regions in Pennsylvania.
The POISE Foundation recently announced the publication of their first position paper entitled, “Strengthening Black Families: A Case for Philanthropic Investment.”
A key objective of the Scaling What Works initiative has been to translate insight and learning from grantmaker intermediaries involved with the Social Innovation Fund and share them with the broader philanthropic community. The fifth guide in the Lessons Learned series presents the benefits and challenges of partnerships between local and national funders, and highlights key considerations for both kinds of funders to foster success in their collaboration.