Pittsburgh PA 15219
GWP is launching a new Pennsylvania Foundation Stats Dashboard, which represents the latest available giving data from Pennsylvania foundations and the IRS, using the Foundation Center’s online platform. The new dashboard offers insights into the giving priorities, populations served, and support strategies of foundations that give to nonprofits in Allegheny County, western Pennsylvania and across the Commonwealth.
GWP has partnered with the Foundation Center plus two peer funding networks (Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia and Northeast Pennsylvania Grantmakers Alliance) to bring this top-line data about Pennsylvania’s philanthropy landscape to foundations, nonprofits, policymakers, and the public. The dashboard supplements GWP’s Foundation Map, the highly interactive, searchable mapping platform (viewable only by GWP members) that we launched a few years ago.
We will be giving an introduction and demo of both of these data tools so you can see how to use them to assist your grantmaking.
GWP will be providing lunch for this program and we encourage anyone interested in learning more about the PA Dashboard and the Get on the Map project to attend.