Webinar: Cybersecurity During COVID-19- Cybersecurity Best Practices for Foundations: Tools, Policies, and Training Staff

GWP Members Only Program
Thursday, October 1, 2020
11:00am to 12:00pm EDT
Email annadelia@cnjg.org to register
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Council of New Jersey Grantmakers is opening their webinar: Cybersecurity Best Practices for Foundations: Tools, Policies, and Training Staff  to GWP members. Please email email Anna D'Elia directly to register for connection details.

Cyber criminals are taking full advantage of the opportunity to attack under-protected organizations when they are most vulnerable. The FBI reports an average of 3,000 - 4,000 cybercrimes per day since the start of the pandemic -- an astonishing increase from the average of 1,000, pre-COVID-19. To help keep your foundation and grantee partners safe from cyber attacks and equipped to work from home for the long-term, we've organized a comprehensive webinar event. 

In this session we'll hear from Hesham Tamraz, Director of Technology and the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation & Ann Puckett, IT Manager at the Grands Rapid Community Foundation. Speakers will share the essential components of a robust cybersecurity plan during COVID-19, including staff training, cybersecurity policies for working from the office or from home, and tools for secure virtual communication and collaboration. 

 To registeremail Anna D'Elia, Manager of Programs and Learning, by Monday, September 28.

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