Grantmaking is the fundamental element of a family philanthropy effort. The practice of grantmaking actualizes the motivations of a donor, advances their values, and accomplishes their aims and objectives. However, it requires careful planning and consideration. A family must decide on focus areas, articulate desired outcomes—near- and long-term—and identify the appropriate partners. And how you fund matters just as much as what you fund—getting input from community members, utilizing trust-based practices, and being responsive to current needs are all important elements of successful grantmaking.
In this webinar, learn practical guidance for how to build or refresh your grantmaking strategy and approach.
Melissa Berman, founding President and CEO of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
About this Series
The monthly Fundamentals of Family Philanthropy webinar series provides guidance on the core tenets of effective family philanthropy—from motivations and values to governance, grantmaking, and succession. The series equips giving families with the latest information on evergreen topics in the donor lifecycle through practical takeaways and diverse family stories that illustrate important practices. Designed for seasoned practitioners and newcomers alike, the series is available to the Friends of the Family and Partner Subscriber organizations.