How Foundant can help you Get on the Map!

GWP Members Only Program
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
2:00pm to 3:00pm EDT
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Our Get on the Map campaign is underway and other GWP members have begun to submit their data through the Foundation Center's ereporting method.  The grants management software provider, Foundant has agreed to do a special webinar demonstration on how to get on the map using their platform.  This webinar is designed to help guide any funders interested in participating in the "Get on the Map" grants mapping project using Foundant in sharing all the necessary grants data to make our regional map come to life.

When you share your recent grants data, you’ll be making a powerful contribution to our regional association’s custom version of Foundation Maps, a highly interactive, searchable mapping platform from Foundation Center that will be accessible to our staff and members at no charge.

Register with The Foundation Center Here





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