Advancing Equitable and Adequate School Funding in PA, Part 2: Framing the Impact

GWP Members Only Program
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
9:00am to 10:30am EDT
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This session will provide a follow up to our June session, Advancing Equitable and Adequate School Funding in PA, hosted by Grantmakers of Western PA, Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia, and Northeastern Pennsylvania Alliance Grantmakers’ Forum. In June, speakers highlighted the inequitable and inadequate system of public school funding in Pennsylvania, along with the work of organizations across the state that are organizing and advocating for greater funding equity. 

While this initiative has the potential for broad scale impact, it can be challenging for funders to frame the discussion about impact with board members and constituents. What outcomes should grantmakers realistically expect when supporting advocacy and organizing work?  Along with updates on the status of the Pennsylvania school funding lawsuit, speakers will provide guidance to address this question. Participants will leave with concrete immediate action steps that grantmakers can take to support statewide education organizing and advocacy efforts. 

Speakers will include: 

  • Deborah Gordon-Klehr, Executive Director, Education Law Center 
  • Kate Locke, MPH, Associate Director, Evaluation and Learning, TCC Group 
  • Claire Robertson-Kraft, PhD, Founder and Director of ImpactED 

We are committed to making GWP programs accessible to all members. If you have questions, or if an accommodation would be helpful to fully participate in this program, please reach out to Paula or call 412-471-6488 and we will make every effort to accommodate your request.

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