Wednesday, April 15, 2020
The Staunton Farm Foundation has awarded behavioral health grants of close to $450,000 in response to the COVID19 pandemic. The foundation’s grantees serve the most vulnerable people in the region with limited resources.
Over the last two weeks, some of the foundation’s grantees include:
- Neighborhood Allies: Beams to Bridges Mental Health Training Program $37,600
- The Children's Institute: Expansion of Telehealth Capabilities $20,000
- The Open Door: Emergency Needs $25,807
- Westmoreland Case Management and Support: Client Services $27,500
- Women's Center of Beaver County: Off-site Shelter $10,260
- Center for Life: Emergency Medical Fund ` $25,000
- Washington City Mission: General Operating $25,000
- Glade Run Foundation: Telehealth $25,000
- Center for Community Resources: Emergency Needs $25,000
- Every Child, Inc: Telehealth $20,000
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