The number and sophistication of cybersecurity threats have undoubtedly increased. FaceBook’s data breach, Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election and the frequent data breach alerts from banks and retailers is more than enough evidence to make us understand why information security is a growing concern across public and private sectors. It is in this context that we as a country are preparing for the 2020 Census, the largest peacetime effort of the federal government and the first ever that will rely on digital response.
Much has been done to ensure the residents of America that their data with remain safe. But, the current environment raises serious questions about the government’s ability, or desire, to keep records safe and build a digital census platform robust enough to withstand interference. The security of the digital collection and storage of information is still unclear despite numerous public- and private-sector cybersecurity experts calling for greater transparency on the Census Bureau’s protocols and systems. Considering these challenges philanthropy must take a leadership role in ensuring transparency from the Census Bureau, supporting critical local infrastructure and public policy that encourages full participation in the census. The accuracy of this data is critical to philanthropy for it is this data which our sector and the communities we care about will depend for the next ten years.
Join this webinar to learn why the security concerns surrounding Census 2020 matters to you as operations leaders in philanthropy and what IT leaders can do to lend their voices to this issue.
Chantal E. Forster — Executive Director, Technology Affinity Group
Michelle Greanias — Executive Director of PEAK Grantmaking
Corrine Yu — Senior Program Director, Special Projects, The Leadership Conference
Joshua A. Geltzer — Executive Director and Visiting Professor of Law, Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection, Georgetown University Law Center
This webinar, created in partnership with the Technology Affinity Group, PEAK Grantmaking and The Leadership Conference, is for Forum members and their members.