Tri-State CF Partnership Webinar: Community Foundation Investments

GWP Members Only Program
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
1:00pm to 2:30pm EDT
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For many who are new to the community foundation finance area, the management and interaction with investment committee members can be challenging, especially as different views are shared. This webinar will help guide you on the management of that committee, cover the basics of investment management, and review key areas such as asset allocation, spending policies, fees on funds, quarterly reports, etc.

Target Audience: The Tri-State Community Foundation Partnership webinars are designed for, but not exclusive to, community foundation staff and board members and is a partnership between Indiana Philanthropy Alliance/GIFT, Council of Michigan Foundations, and Philanthropy Ohio.


Shale P. Lapping, President, IPEX (Investment Performance Evaluation Xperts)
Shale obtained his undergraduate degree from the University of Illinois, his MBA from McGill University and his law degree from the University of Chicago. Shale is a Chartered Financial Analyst and a Certified Investment Management Analyst.

Prior to entering the investment field, Shale practiced corporate law for six years, specializing in legal and investment issues that impact trust funds. Shale began working directly with the investment community in 1989, when he joined the firm that served as the predecessor to IPEX. Shale was vice-president of that firm for seven years and has been president of IPEX since the firm's inception.

Brian Scott, Senior Investment Analyst, Vanguard Investment Strategy Group
Brian is a senior investment analyst in Vanguard Investment Strategy Group. He is a member of the group responsible for capital markets research, the asset allocations used in Vanguard's fund-of-fund solutions, as well as maintaining and enhancing the investment methodology used for advice-based relationships with high-net-worth and institutional clients. Brian has more than 16 years of experience in the investment management industry and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® certification. He earned a bachelor's degree from Boston College and an M.B.A. from The Pennsylvania State University.


$35 for Indiana Philanthropy Alliance Members
$50 for Members of Other Associations (outside Tri-State Partnership)

Note: The Tri-State CF Partnership Webinar Series is available to GWP members from our partners listed below. Since there is a fee for this program that is payable to our colleagues at IPA, a member of GWP staff will follow up with you after you complete registration on GWP's website to help you complete your registration and payment for this webinar.