1:30pm to Tuesday, April 25, 2017
3:15pm EDT
Registration for this event has closed because we have reached capacity. If you would like to be put on a waiting list to join, or if you would like to arrange to join some sessions providing your own transportation, please contact Jenny.
Our region is gaining national recognition for its work developing immigrant integration strategies with the community at the table. The Community Blueprint is a cross-sector, community-designed, county-wide strategic plan to support immigrants and Latinos in Allegheny County. It was created in collaboration with 173 thoughtful local residents, including 88 immigrant community members.
This work has evolved in a series of distinct waves locally. The first emerged almost 10 years ago through the Allegheny County Department of Human Services Immigrant and Internationals Advisory Council to ensure culturally appropriate and accessible supportive services were available to foreign-born residents. These successes have been further elevated by Mayor Peduto through his Welcoming Pittsburgh initiative and made immigrant integration a priority within his administration. The Blueprint builds on these valuable efforts and encourages the broader community to fully engage with our immigrant neighbors, for the benefit of everyone in our region.
Please join GWP and our colleagues working to implement the Community Blueprint for an interactive day and a half of site visits and discussion. We will visit select immigrant-serving organizations that are doing some of the most exciting work in our region. We will also learn about some of the challenges ahead, and discuss where philanthropy can play a role in addressing service gaps and supporting solutions.
Throughout the program, you will have the opportunity to engage with experts in each of the following priority areas:
- Language Access: Enhancing the capacity of local organizations and systems to provide access for residents with limited English proficiency (LEP) and increase the ability of LEP residents to exercise and advocate for their language rights.
- Health and Well-Being: Making high quality, culturally and linguistically appropriate physical and behavioral healthcare readily accessible to immigrant residents.
- Education: Enabling educators to support immigrant student success, family engagement, and lifelong learning.
- Economic Development: Promoting career, entrepreneurial, and other economic opportunities for immigrant residents, including access to affordable housing, childcare and transportation.
- Family Support: Strengthening supports for immigrant across the life span.
- Civic Engagement: Developing opportunities for immigrants to participate fully in the civic life of the community.
Please note that speakers are still being added and confirmed for the agenda above, so please check back for updates!
This program will include an evening reception, a lunch, and transportation. Transportation will depart from and return to Centre City Tower. If you cannot participate in the full program, but would like to register for portions of the event, please email Jenny to make arrangements.
While members are welcome to attend any portion of the program independently, we encourage you to take advantage of the offered group transportation because we will be using time on route for further group discussion and learning opportunities.
We hope you will join us for this exciting opportunity to learn more about how we can ensure that our region is a welcoming one!