Pittsburgh Foundation President and CEO Maxwell King announced at a press conference today a funding partnership of the Foundation’s Center for Philanthropy, the Caliguiri family and University of Pittsburgh/UPMC officials to fully fund an endowed chair position which will oversee one of the most intensive investigative efforts in the country against amyloidosis, the disease which lead to the passing of Mayor Richard Caliguiri, one of the city's most productive and beloved elected leaders. The disease process, which releases amyloid, an abnormal protein, can build up in the heart and other vital organs. The condition is relatively rare, causing the deaths of as many as 3,000 Americans each year.
This partnership will take advantage of the advanced science, including better diagnosis and imaging of cardiac amyloids. This has given researchers in the field confidence that great progress can now be made. Mrs. Caliguiri has commented that they are also expecting that cutting-edge research into the disease will benefit investigation into causes of heart disease and heart failure in general.
University of Pittsburgh officials expect to announce full funding of the endowed chair once final preparations are made. The search for the Richard S. Caliguiri Endowed Chair in Amyloidosis and Heart Disease will soon commence with the launch of the clinical center later this year and continuing into early next year.