Imagine Transportation: An Update on the Region’s Transportation Vision Plan

GWP Members Only Program
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
10:00am to 11:30am EDT
Centre City Tower, Seventh Room
650 Smithfield Street
5th Floor
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Transportation is a vital part of economic development and thriving communities.  In 2014, following a leadership benchmarking trip to Denver, Colorado, more than 100 SWPA civic leaders returned to our region inspired by Denver’s ability to envision and implement transportation projects that enhance the competitiveness and attractiveness of their region.  Now our local leaders have formed a ten-county Regional Transportation Alliance (RTA) to begin a visioning process for a 21st century transportation system in our own region.  They are currently wrapping up the first step in a regional needs assessment, with results from crowd-sourced surveys. 

Join us as we discuss the results of these surveys, along with the results of the Make My Trip Count commuter survey, put forward by the Mayor’s office, Green Building Alliance and Envision Downtown.  We’ll consider what these data tell us and what it means for the future of our region’s transportation, as well as explore transportation's role in equity and philanthropy’s role in connecting more people to more opportunities in our region.


Carly Dobbins-Bucklad, RTA Project Manager, Allegheny Conference on Community Development

Chris Sandvig, Regional Policy Director, Pittsburgh Community Reinvestment Group (PCRG)

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