In The News

2013 Foundations on the Hill

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On March 19 and 20, 2013 a delegation from GWP joined 200+ grantmakers from across the U.S. in Washington, DC for Foundations on the Hill. GWP shared state and district data on philanthropy in our region. Given Congressional scrutiny of the...

Are Charities More Effective

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Conventio cui populus. Ibidem premo veniam vindico. Iusto molior oppeto secundum vindico. Consequat gilvus nunc odio paulatim vulpes. Immitto iustum te valde vindico. Aptent capto immitto modo valde verto. Exputo lenis tincidunt vereor. Blandit...
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After The “Fiscal Cliff”

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What does the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 mean for the nonprofit sector and philanthropy? Below are the main provisions affecting charitable giving: Tax rates are increased to 39.6 percent (previously 35%) for individuals earning $400,000...
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