The Pennsylvania Health Funders Collaborative (PHFC) held its fifth annual conference in Philadelphia October 26 and 27, 2011 with a full agenda that included release of a new study on the Collaborative's earliest priority of integrating physical and behavioral health care to improve patient outcomes. PHFC is co-chaired by Karen Wolk Feinstein, President and CEO of the Jewish Healthcare Foundation, and Russell Johnson, President and CEO of the North Penn Community Health Foundation outside Philadelphia. First formed in 2008, the Collaborative works to improve the effectiveness of health funders' initiatives by collaborating, networking, sharing best practices and creating a unified voice among funders working in communities across Pennsylvania. Thirty funding organizations are now participants, including GWP members Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation, FISA Foundation, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, Jewish Healthcare Foundation, McAuley Ministries and Staunton Farm Foundation.