Opportunity Fund Launches Process Book Annual Report

Friday, January 12, 2024

Opportunity Fund announces the launch of its “Process Book,” a new type of annual report. This Process Book is intended to tell the story of the last nine years of work at Opportunity Fund and where the organization is heading. A theme of this journey as documented in the book is the profound importance of building trust, especially as Opportunity Fund looks toward the future.

This Process Book, titled Building on Trust, demonstrates the ways that Opportunity Fund is building upon existing work and illuminates the areas where the organization is evolving and weaving trust deeply into new relationships and avenues of support. This intention is connected to and informed by the work and direction of the Trust-based Philanthropy Project. As a private foundation, Opportunity Fund views its primary role as redistributing wealth and resources. By focusing on reciprocity, the organization believes it can best fulfill its role in authentic and community-led ways. This focus is intentional and oriented toward trying different ways to work and be in relationship, Opportunity Fund invites its Process Book readers on this journey with them.

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