Michelle McMurray Named Emerging Leader In Philanthropy

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Over 250 Black leaders and professionals in philanthropy including presidents, trustees, program officers, donors and activists attended ABFE’s “The Fierce Urgency of Now” 2018 Conference in April. The annual conference offers the best and most promising practices in the field of philanthropy to strengthen Black communities. In addition to thought-provoking plenaries and workshops, the conference makes space for recognizing important leaders for their work and contributions at the 27th James A. Joseph Lecture and Awards Program.

GWP Member and Senior Program Officer of The Pittsburgh Foundation, Michelle McMurray, received this year’s prestigious Emerging Leader in Philanthropy Award. Michelle has served as a human service professional for more than a decade. At the Foundation, she focuses on grantmaking to health and human service organizations. Before her role at the Foundation, she served as the CEO of Mental Health America Allegheny County, a small mental health advocacy organization that worked to eliminate the stigma of mental illness through individual and policy-level intervention. This work reflects Michelle’s professional interests in improving access to high-quality physical and mental health care for low-income and racial/ethnic minority populations and strengthening small, community-based nonprofits. 

About the Award

The Emerging Leader in Philanthropy Award was established in 2002 to recognize and encourage the accomplishments and contribu­ons of people under the age of 40, and who have served as staff, donors and trustees in the philanthropic sector for no more than seven years. This award recognizes an outstanding individual whose innova­ve leadership promotes philanthropy as a means of social change in Black communi­es and advances ABFE’s mission. The ABFE Emerging Leader in Philanthropy Award recognizes an outstanding individual whose innova­ve leadership promotes philanthropy as a means of social change in Black communi­es and advances ABFE’s mission. The Emerging Leader in Philanthropy Award is presented during the 27th Annual James A. Joseph Lecture and Awards Program.

The James A. Joseph Lecture was established in 1991 in honor of ABFE's co-founder and disti­nguished philanthropic leader, Ambassador James A. Joseph. Each year, this award recognizes an outstanding individual whose visionary leadership and stewardship of progressive philanthropic ideals advance ABFE’s mission. The Lecture is considered ABFE’s annual signature event and an illustra­tion of our con­tinuing commitment to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas about the role of philanthropy in addressing the concerns of Black communities.

Learn More

Read the full press release about the ABFE Annual Conference

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