The Climate Reality Project announced that the organization will hold its 36th Climate Reality Leadership Corps activist training in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania from October 17-19, with the generous support and partnership of The Heinz Endowments. Over the course of three days, world class scientists, communicators, and climate experts will join former US Vice President and Climate Reality Chairman Al Gore to train citizens to become Climate Reality Leaders organizing communities for action on the climate crisis.
This will be the first training after the release of An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, the follow-up to the Academy Award-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth. After starting a global conversation about the climate crisis with An Inconvenient Truth, Vice President Gore created the Climate Reality Leadership Corps to empower citizens to take the conversation forward and organize their communities for action. Climate Reality trainings are prominently featured in An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, as part of Vice President Gore’s work over the past decade to prepare a new generation of world changers to lead the coming wave of climate activism across the nation and around the planet.
Climate Reality Leaders will emerge from the training equipped with the knowledge and tools to build public awareness of global climate challenges, share the good news about the practical solutions in our hands today, and strengthen public support for leaders at all levels of society taking action.
The Pittsburgh training is generously sponsored by The Heinz Endowments, which is devoted to the mission of helping the Pittsburgh region prosper as a vibrant and equitable center of creativity, learning, and social, economic and environmental sustainability. Core to its work is the vision of a ‘Just Pittsburgh’ where all are included and where everyone who calls the area home has a real and meaningful opportunity to thrive.
The Climate Reality Project has trained more than 12,000 Climate Reality Leaders from 136 countries, with recent trainings in Seattle, Washington; Denver, Colorado; Houston, Texas; Shenzhen, China; Manila, Philippines; Miami, Florida; Toronto, Canada; Cedar Rapids, Iowa; New Delhi, India; and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Apply before September 12, at