Community foundations are uniquely poised to support the leadership pipelines in their respective communities. Hear about what you need as you start, refine, or consider managing a leadership development program.
Target Audience:
The Tri-State Community Foundation Partnership webinars are designed for, but not exclusive to, community foundation staff and board members and is a partnership between Indiana Philanthropy Alliance/GIFT, Council of Michigan Foundations, and Philanthropy Ohio.
$35 for Indiana Philanthropy Alliance/GIFT Members
$50 for Members of Other Associations (outside Tri-State Partnership)
Note: The Tri-State CF Partnership Webinar Series is available to GWP members from our partners listed below. Since there is a fee for this program that is payable to our colleagues at IPA, a member of GWP staff will follow up with you after you complete registration on GWP's website to help you complete your registration and payment for this webinar.