Off the Record with GWP: A Conversation with Chief Cameron McLay

GWP Members Only Program
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
9:00am to 10:30am EDT
Bricolage Production Company
937 Liberty Ave
PA 15222
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Join GWP for an off the record conversation with Pittsburgh Chief of Police, Cameron McLay, moderated by President of the Buhl Foundation, Fred Thieman.

Because of recent events, national attention has been focused on strained police-community relationships.  Fred and Chief McLay will explore the progress and challenges of cultivating trust between police and our local communities and will discuss efforts to alleviate tensions and build relationships with a focus on community-oriented policing. 

As always, we will allow plenty of time for Q&A and discussion, so please join us to be a part of this very timely and important conversation.

Light breakfast and coffee will be served.


**Read a summary of the discussion here**

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