PA 15120
Professionals who staff corporate foundations and giving programs need strong relationships with a wide range of constituents. It’s critical to manage relationships with applicants, grantees and community stakeholders, and to clearly communicate how your organization wants to have positive impact in the community.
As challenging as external constituents can be, relationship management inside your company can end up being just as or even more difficult. Depending on where your team is situated inside the company, you coordinate with departments as diverse as human resources, finance, marketing and public relations as well as make the case for community investment to senior management.
GWP corporate network invites you to participate in this peer-to-peer discussion. What are some ways you have found to encourage internal collaboration and work productively with other departments? How have you worked with PR and marketing staff to ensure appropriate recognition for the company’s gifts? How might your partnership with HR encourage more employees to give their time and skills and feel more rewarded? What kind of benefit does your senior management team look for from the company’s community giving, and how have you most successfully persuaded them to continue making community investments?
Join us to share and discuss what challenges you have in managing internal relationships and engaging internal audiences and what works well at your organization.
Special thanks to Eat n' Park Hospitality Group for hosting this GWP Corporate Network gathering!