NCFP Webinar: Policy Changes in the Pipeline: How Will New Proposed Legislation Affect Family Giving?

GWP Members Only Program
Thursday, November 9, 2017
12:00pm to 1:30pm EST
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How could proposed tax reform and policy change affect the work of your foundation? Join the Alliance for Charitable reform to hear updates about pending legislative or political measures and the potential impact on philanthropy for foundations and donors.


Sandra Swirski serves as Executive Director for the Alliance for Charitable Reform. Sandra is a co-founder of Urban Swirski & Associates, a public policy and government affairs firm in Washington, D.C. Ms. Swirski’s practice focuses on advising Fortune 500 executives and leaders of nonprofit organizations about public policy and government affairs issues. On Capitol Hill, Ms. Swirski served as a senior staff member for two prominent U.S. Senators—Senator Jack Danforth (R-MO) and Senator Alan Simpson (R-WY)—both of whom served on the U.S. Senate Finance Committee. She was also chief counsel for the Senate’s Social Security Subcommittee. Her private sector experience includes serving as the top federal lobbyist for Mobil Corporation and advising multinational clients on policy issues while in the national office of Ernst & Young. She speaks throughout the country on public policy issues affecting business and nonprofits. Ms. Swirski holds a bachelor’s degree from Emory University, a J.D. from George Washington University, and an LL.M. from Georgetown University. 

Note:  National Center for Family Philanthropy Webinars are a resource for GWP members who work with a Family Foundation only. Not sure if you're elligible to attend? Ask Jenny

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