Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh – Nonprofit Resource Center and Grantmakers of Western Pennsylvania Present
Meet the Grantmakers in Capacity Building
A joint effort by Grantmakers of Western Pennsylvania and the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh – Nonprofit Resource Center, this program will provide an opportunity for grantseekers to enrich their understanding about organizations in our region that support nonprofit capacity building efforts. Representatives from several local funding agencies will provide an overview of their initiatives, briefly describing their giving priorities, types of capacity building support (grants/technical assistance), application guidelines, how and when decisions are made, and more! A question and answer session will follow.
· Kate Dewey, President, The Forbes Funds
· Kate Sphar, Program Officer, The McCune Foundation
· Elizabeth Vinsic, Executive Director, Social Venture Partners Pittsburgh
There is a $10 fee per person which is payable at the door with cash or a check made payable to Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Please register by calling the Nonprofit Resource Center at 412-622-6277.
We hope you can join us for this very special program!