Keystone Policy Series: Combating Pennsylvania’s Opioid Epidemic

Funder-only program by invitation
Thursday, April 27, 2017
2:00pm to 3:00pm EDT
Webinar/Conference Call
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The opioid epidemic affects Pennsylvanians from every walk of life. Rich, poor, black, white, young, or old – the opioid crisis is unprecedented in its reach and devastation.  At least ten Pennsylvanians die every day from a drug overdose, with over 3,500 overdose deaths in Pennsylvania in 2015 alone.

In recent years, major U.S. policy efforts have been aimed at combating the epidemic of opioid addiction and overdose deaths.  Join us for a discussion of federal, state and local policy initiatives and learn about opportunities for Pennsylvania funders to become involved.


Joni Schwager, Executive Director, Staunton Farm Foundation
Joe Pyle, President, Scattergood Foundation
Brendan Saloner, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

*Webinar connection instructions, along with additional resources will be sent in a confirmation/reminder email days prior to the meeting.


How They Do It: Pennsylvania Funders on Engaging the Public Sector

Philanthropy professionals in Pennsylvania understand how state policy affects the nonprofit sector, and many have a history of engaging and educating state policymakers.  Even given private foundations’ constraints on lobbying, there are numerous opportunities for communication between philanthropy and the public sector that are permissible and can serve to build relationships and advance important issues.

The Keystone Policy Series of conference calls/webinars has been developed by Grantmakers of Western Pennsylvania and Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia to inform all Pennsylvania funders about how their colleagues are working on selected statewide policy issues.  Funding organizations across the state will:

  • Learn background information about a community issue from a statewide perspective
  • Hear about work undertaken by Pennsylvania funding colleagues to address a policy challenge
  • Learn about potential solutions in Pennsylvania and potential roles for philanthropy
  • Build/strengthen working relationships with other funders across the state


2017 Pennsylvania Foundations Public Policy Conference: Amplifying the Voice of the Sector
Monday, May 1, 2017 - 8:30am to Tuesday, May 2, 2017 - 12:30pm