GWP Members Only Program
Monday, March 28, 2016
2:00pm to 3:00pm EDT
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Earlier this year, Grantmakers of Western PA, along with the Allegheny County Department of Human Services, welcomed the Annie E. Casey Foundation and its Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative to Pittsburgh. During that session, we discussed the Strengthening Families Act (SFA) which provides new opportunity to improve outcomes for young people transitioning from foster care to adulthood. As promised, The Annie E. Casey Foundation has made its follow-up webinar available to GWP membership:
Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative Presents: Keeping Systems Accountable in the Implementation of the SFA
The SFA creates many new requirements and opportunities for child welfare agencies. Enforcement mechanisms that are truly accessible to youth are difficult to build and implement, but are crucial to successful implementation of the law. This session will explore strategies to build effective and youth-friendly enforcement mechanisms, such as court enforcement, case planning and caseworker visits; grievance policies; youth feedback; and data collection.
Jenny Pokempner
Supervising Attorney
Juvenile Law Center
Clark Peters
Assistant Professor
University of Missouri School of Social Work and Truman School of Public Affairs
Carol Behrer
Executive Director
Youth Policy Institute of Iowa
Mike Leach
Independent and Transitional Living
Tennessee Department of Children’s Services