How Are Our Children Faring? An Update from Joan Benso of PA Partnerships for Children

GWP Members Only Program
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
8:30am to 10:00am EDT
Centre City Tower, Seventh Room
650 Smithfield Street
5th Floor
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With classrooms about to open and still no state budget passed, many school districts, early learning programs, and vital human services for underserved, at-risk children are faced with a daunting challenge and stark decisions. To hear expert perspective on the current status of Pennsylvania’s children, and the impact of the budget stalemate on them, please join GWP as we host one of the state’s best known advocates on behalf of children’s health, welfare and education: Joan Benso, President and CEO of Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children (PPC).

As CEO of the Pennsylvania agency partnering with the Annie E. Casey Foundation on the annual KidsCount data, Joan will update GWP members on the just-released 2015 data for this region.   Among the indicators of health and well-being that PPC tracks are child poverty, foster care placement, uninsured children, access to high-quality early learning programs and academic performance.  She will also provide a statewide perspective on the challenges facing school districts and other programs that serve at-risk children and youth and the impact of the state’s failure to negotiate a budget by June 30.