GWP is on the Map!

GWP Members Only Program
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
2:00pm to 3:00pm EST
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Access to accurate, up-to-date data on the grants awarded in our region is critical to understanding the funding landscape and ensuring that your giving is as effective as it can be.  No doubt, if you’ve visited GWP’s website or attended a GWP event this year, you’ve heard about the campaign to “Get on the Map.”  With 13 participants from our membership now officially “on the map,” GWP’s initial grants map is ready for viewing!   

Join us for an interactive session to learn about GWP's powerful new data tool Foundation Maps: Western Pennsylvania available exclusively to GWP members.  Learn how to leverage current and detailed grants data supplied directly by funders to find natural collaborators, scan your funding landscape and even identify funding gaps. Become familiar with the tool and develop strategies for incorporating grants data into your work.

Get On the Map is a partnership between Grantmakers of Western PA, the Foundation Center, and the Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers. Davis Parchment, Manager of Electronic Reporting for the Foundation Center, along with GWP staff, will facilitate this presentation of GWP’s map, a brief training on how to use it, and a discussion of the types of information available and the potential of our regional map moving forward.  

Examples of the kinds of questions Maps can answer:

  • What organizations are working within the “farm-to-table” space?
  • Who is engaging in advocacy work around policies impacting boys and men of color?
  • What other funders are focusing on early childhood education? Where might there be a gap in funding early childhood?
  • What are the major organizations serving older adults in our region? Who is funding them? Who is providing advocacy support?
  • What local organizations are providing out-of-school arts education programs for low-income students?
  • What capital campaigns are underway and who is supporting them?