FCCP Webinar- 2020 Census Funder Learning Series: Effective Strategies For Business Engagement

GWP Members Only Program
Monday, May 13, 2019
3:00pm EDT
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This discussion will focus on strategies to engage and build partnerships with the business sector around the 2020 Census. Presenters will share resources, approaches to census engagement, and insights into how to mitigate potential barriers, with a focus on Get Out the Count.

This briefing is only open to funders, philanthropy-serving organizations, and philanthropic advisors.

Jeffrey Connor-Naylor, ReadyNation
Kelly Brough, President & CEO, Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce
Gabriel Vaca, Chief Operating Officer, Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 
Deborah Marino, Senior VP, Corporate Relations, SWBC
Florencia Gutierrez, Senior Research Associate, Annie E. Casey Association

Meredith Higashi, Director of Public Policy and Advocacy, Philanthropy Northwest

Co-sponsors: Chesapeake Bay Funders Network, Economic Opportunity Funders, Environmental Grantmakers Association, Forefront, Funders for LGBTQ Issues, Funders Together to End Homelessness, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees, Grantmakers Council of Rhode Island, Grantmakers In Health, Hispanics in Philanthropy, NY Funders Alliance, Philanthropy Northwest, Philanthropy Southwest, Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Funders, United Philanthropy Forum

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