The Evolving Role of Grants Management: A Workshop with PEAK Grantmaking

GWP and PEAK Mideast Workshop
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
2:00pm to 3:30pm EDT
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The role and function of grants management continues to evolve in organizations across the philanthropic sector, especially in response to current events. As a grants management professional, you are performing new roles, broadening your responsibilities, and expanding your impact throughout your organization. This time of rapid change requires you to develop new skills, communicate differently, and look ahead to the future.

Join GWP for this interactive session with PEAK Mideast, to discuss the evolution of the grants management model, the current state of grantmaking operations in your organization, and how you can reach the next level of effectiveness.

After the workshop participants will have the ability to:  

  • Audit your organization’s current stage in the grants management evolution model 
  • Create strategies to advance your organization to the next stage in the evolution model 
  • Develop professional development plans for your career growth 
  • Promote the benefits of change to your organization’s leadership


Altinay Cortes, Chapter Manager, PEAK Grantmaking

Dolores Estrada, Chief Operating Officer, PEAK Grantmaking

Sara Sanders, Membership Director, PEAK Grantmaking



60-Minute Presentation:

  • Evolution of the grants management profession; discussion of the variety of things a grants manager can/is asked to do
  • Introduction of the Grants Management Professional Competency Model – defining knowledge/skills/abilities a GM needs to perform the variety of work well
  • Evolving roles and competencies in light of current events – COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter movement presenting a “moment” for conversations about power and equity in grants management
  • How to use this information to advocate for yourself within your job.

30-Minute Optional Small Group Discussion

  • Share the results of your self-assessments
  • Discussion on how roles are changing in light of current events

This will be offered as a virtual meeting. Connection details will be shared after registration.

We are committed to making GWP programs accessible to all members. If you have questions, or if an accommodation would be helpful to fully participate in this program, please reach out to Paula or call 412-471-6488 and we will make every effort to accommodate your request.

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