CANCELED - FBI Session: What Funders Need to Know about Health Care Fraud

GWP Members Only Program
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
2:00pm to 3:00pm EST
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Please note: This session has been canceled.

Rooting out health care fraud is central to the well-being of both our citizens and the overall economy. It costs the country tens of billions of dollars a year and patients can also be harmed as a result of fraudulent schemes. 

The FBI is the primary agency that investigates and exposes health care fraud, with jurisdiction over both federal and private insurance programs. The Pittsburgh field office, which covers western Pennsylvania and all of West Virginia, proactively targets fraud through coordinated initiatives; task forces and strike teams; and undercover operations. In addition to traditional health care fraud, the division investigates billing, testing (including COVID-19), Medicare, drug diversion, pill mills, and improper prescribing, among other matters. 

The division is headed by Acting Supervisory Special Agent Abigail Patcher who has been with the Bureau since 2009. A/SSA Patcher will join us to provide an overview of health care fraud in our region, present recent case studies, and highlight issues of local importance, such as why our region ranks highest in the nation for drug rehabilitation fraud. 

This session is part of a series of deep-dive programs developed with the FBI’s Pittsburgh Field Office exclusively for GWP members and will be offered as a virtual meeting using Microsoft Teams. Connection details will be shared after registration.

We are committed to making GWP programs accessible to all members. If you have questions, or if an accommodation would be helpful to fully participate in this program, please reach out to Paula or call 412-471-6488 and we will make every effort to accommodate your request.

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