Arts Roundtable: The Pennsylvania Arts Education Network-POSTPONED

Monday, June 16, 2014
12:00pm to 1:30pm EDT
Center City Towers, Seventh Room
Center City Towers
Seventh Room
650 Smithfield Street
5th Floor
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*This event has been postponed until a later date*

This month’s arts roundtable will update members on the state of arts education in the commonwealth, and will feature a conversation with Ron Cowell, the President of the Education and Policy Leadership Center (EPLC).

For the last three years, EPLC has led statewide efforts to advance arts education, including producing a report entitled “Creating Pennsylvania’s Future Through the Arts and Education”, and through the creation of a statewide arts education network. The Pennsylvania Arts Education Network is a statewide coalition of arts, arts education, and advocacy organizations and individuals committed to working together to strengthen public and policymaker support for Arts Education in Pennsylvania. EPLC provides staff and other support for the Network. This coalition respects the autonomy of its member organizations, but adds value to the work of each of them by promoting and facilitating much-needed voluntary collaboration that utilizes shared goals, strategies, messages, and activities.

Mr. Cowell’s presentation will introduce the PA Arts Education Network to grantmakers and describe its activities including the current policy agenda, and the relevance of this work to arts education opportunities for students in Western Pennsylvania.

This is a brownbag lunch. Beverages and desserts will be provided.

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