Adolescent Behavioral Health Learning Network

GWP Members Only Program
Thursday, March 30, 2017
12:00pm to 1:00pm EDT
Centre City Tower, QIT Center
650 Smithfield Street
Suite 2600
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Are you a funder interested in supporting vulnerable teens? Are you concerned about the incidence of suicide, depression, trauma, substance use and other adolescent behavioral health issues?  Join us on March 30th as we explore the formation of a new GWP learning network focused on a critical aspect of adolescents’ lives: their behavioral health.

Robert Ferguson, director of government grants and policy at Jewish Healthcare Foundation, and Joni Schwager, executive director of Staunton Farm Foundation, will facilitate a roundtable discussion during which we will discuss current activities and initiatives to improve the behavioral health of adolescents.   We will explore a learning agenda around opportunities for philanthropy to play a role in addressing some of the key issues effecting vulnerable youth in our region.

This will be a brown bag meeting, so feel free to bring a lunch.  Drinks will be provided.